these 15 songs in total haven been remixed and restructured.
seriously, almost everything has been cut to pieces
and folded back into a new and beautiful masterpiece!
from heavenly piano pieces by sylvain chauveau
and ambient soundscapes by donato wharton
to heavy beats by solex and weird electronica by hood,
simply a must have for every atcoed fan and electronic music fan.
the album comes in a beautiful box with an real puzzle! this is a
limited edition of course. the remixes have been done by hood, styrofoam,
spinvis, solex, dialect, diefenbach, hillmadelow, sylvain chauveau,
stafraen hakon, kettel, donata wharton and many others.
1) the glory of ignorance by: donato wharton
2) o welk een vreugde by: dialect
3) rain or shine by: styrofoam
4) in the light i wrap my tears by: hood
5) ik weet by: sylvain chauveau
6) hallways by: wixel
7) the drive-way by: diefenbach
8) the maria tales by: solex
9) the departure by: marshall watson
10) eileen by: stafron hakon
11) hemelsblauw, dealing with hatred, ik weet by: 01:00a.m.
12) the sound of someone watching me by: mormo
13) 40 years by: hill made low
14) \’t hellend vlak by: spinvis
15:zalig zijn de armen van geest by: kettel